Thursday, February 11, 2010

Spirituality and Dynamic Living

This seems like a strange step, into this world of blogging and internet posts. It seems to be a widely biased world, seemingly deranged and overrun by rampant numbers of angst-y teenagers and angst-y adults. However, I do know that there are good blogs out there, I read some of them from time to time, though I do not follow them devotedly.

An Introduction
This is going to be a completely dynamic blog, most likely not a novel concept, but it is called the "Fruits of Consciousness" because a colleague of mine and myself will merely explore our awareness. To put it as Descartes "We think, therefore we share." I suppose a better way to put that would be as Sartre "We are aware that we think, therefore we are (and share)."

I have a feeling that my fascinations with the spirituality and with the ethereal world will come up quite often. My philosophical views on the universe will show up, and I may even pen a story or two.

My collaborator will most likely proffer a gamut of writings, from philosophical meanderings, to a slew of short stories, beginnings of longer stories, his mind is a creative one, and we shall see where it goes.

Spiritual Joys in the 21st Century
In this day and age, I think that spirituality is losing its importance. People use 'religious' and 'spiritual' almost interchangeably it seems, when they really are not the same thing. For example, if someone was a Christian, and they went to church every Sunday, not out of genuine faith, but because they were conditioned to, as it were, would they be considered spiritual? I wouldn't consider that spiritual.

If they went to church because they felt obligated to by their families or church or what have you (outside of genuine... well, genuine spirituality) then they really aren't spiritual, though they can be easily considered religious.

Many people are religious, they believe in something, to a certain extent, but then it gets warped in strange ways, televangelists are a good example. They like to sell God to people. I find it amazing, that people will buy, or 'donate', or whatever they want to call it, into these churches or organizations when all the tools they need are in front of their noses. All they need is their mind, their faith and their imagination, and they can have a direct connection to God, or any other spiritual realm or anything, which is a free and completely personal link.

Now, I myself am not religious, but I am very spiritual. I am more shamanic than anything else. I believe that there is more out there, and through the right means, the answers to all questions can be found. Be it meditation or sensory deprivation or through rituals and psychedelic experiences, the 'other world' can be reached and it is a definite way to gain knowledge, and if not knowledge, then it is definitely a place for the imagination to grow and learn, and for the child inside to grow and be nurtured.

The 'other world' is a place that seems farcical and far-fetched, but is a place that is, almost inevitably, generated by one's own mind, making it a place that is like the exotic corners of your psyche, where strange, fascinating creatures live and where new things and views are waiting to be discovered. This 'other world' is at its basest, a paradigm shift from the reality we all live in.

I hope that this blog becomes an entertaining and enjoyable part of my life, and that it will evolve in an entertaining manner for those who will read it. However, there's only one way to find out!

Until next time,
-Wolfram पहला प्राजना

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